JCI goes TOKEN SUMMIT LIECHTENSTEIN 202213.10.2022 08:00 - 18:00

Liebe Jaycees

JCI Lichtenstein Werdenberg ladet JCI Mitglieder zum TOKEN SUMMIT LIECHTENSTEIN 2022 ein!

JCI Members bekommen ein vergünstigtes Tagesticket: 

Einfach unter https://www.tokensummit.li/tickets.html ein 25% ermässigtes Tagesticket lösen, indem man den folgenden Promo-Code verwendet - neuhold-25

Wir freuen uns auf eure Teilnahme!


Blockchain is one of the key technologies for the digitalization of financial markets, including Liechtenstein's. Since the entry into force of the Tokens and TT Service Providers Law (Blockchain Act) on 01.01.2020, Liechtenstein is leading the international discussion on good regulatory approaches to of these technologies, with a technology-neutral, balanced approach. With MiCA (Markets in Crypto Assets), regulation will now also take place at the European level in the coming months, with potential level regulation will take place and further increase the potential for the token economy.

The TOKEN SUMMIT not only wants to discuss the legal fundamentals at home and abroad but also to make the underlying technology "comprehensible".

We expect more than 30 speakers from over 10 countries and more 600 participants from various sectors.

Parkplätze: Marktplatzgarage
Giessenstrasse 7
9490 Vaduz




Infos sur les manifestations

Date / Heure 13.10.2022 08:00 bis 13.10.2022 18:00
Date limite
Localité Vaduzer Saal in Liechtenstein, 9490 Vaduz
  • Tenue Business
    Lien (externe) https://www.tokensummit.li/home.html
    Types des événements OLM Event
    Organisateur OLM Liechtenstein Werdenberg
    Partenaire bienvenu(e) No
    Enfants bienvenus No
    Événement Outlook

    Personne de contact

    Personne de contact Alfred Neuhold
    E-mail alfredneuhold@gmx.at